Devotional Thoughts Based on the Glory to God Hymnal
Matthew 14:25
Then Jesus called His disciples to Him and said, ”I have compassion for the crowd because they have been with me now for three days and have nothing to eat’ and I do not want to send them away hungry, for they might faint on the way.
Matthew’s account of Jesus feeding 4000 men plus women and children serves as a scriptural reference for The Church of Christ in Every Age. The crowd had been with Jesus for 3 days and it appears their food supply was now exhausted. Jesus is concerned about the crowd – fearing they might faint if they did not eat before their journey home. Finding only seven loaves of bread and a few fish, Jesus blesses these meager provisions and miraculously the huge crowd is fed. After all had eaten their fill, seven baskets of leftovers were collected. Then and now, sharing remains a challenge for the church – sharing with those who are part of the local church as well as strangers living close by or far away. They are our neighbors and both equally in need.
The current crisis facing the church is a result of this Corona virus pandemic. How can the church remain the church when heeding health guidelines threatens the fellowship of the church? It is hard to show Christian love when persons need to be 6-8 feet apart. How does one come to the Lord’s Table and how do people feel comfortable and safe to share table fellowship? Hugs and kisses, that have long been a means of comforting, encouraging, or greeting, now seem to be hazardous to our health. Our singing and speech are muffled by the masks we wear coving a sizeable portion of our faces. The first verse of this hymn is encouraging. Listen!
The church of Christ in every age, beset by change but Spirit led, must claim and test its heritage, and keep on rising from the dead.
Blessed Lord, grant us wisdom and grant us courage for the living of these difficult days, for Christ’s sake. Amen.