Winter Haven Quilters is a fun group open all who are interested in quilting and fellowship.  Meeting twice monthly, it is a time of sharing quilting skills and tips, quilt patterns and ideas, and usually schedules lunch together and a field trip each year.  The group’s main outreach is to create small quilts to give to the Sheriff Department which are dispensed by deputies  to those in need.  The highlight of the year is a lunch with Sheriff Grady Judd and staff where the quilts are presented to the department.

Next meetings are Mondays, October 2 & 16, from 10 am to noon in McLeod Hall.  We will be working on the quilt pattern “Boxed In”, and also scrap quilts.  Please come visit or join us.  No previous quilting experience necessary!  Contact Sue Henry for more information at (863)656-2611


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