Supper with the Strangs

Come help us celebrate ministry around the globe on World Communion Sunday as we enjoy “Supper with the Strangs.” Fred Foy and Cecily Strang will be our special guests as we hear about their plan to return to Africa and the mission field. The Rev. Dr. Strang (Fred Foy), son of Jean and Shorter Strang, grew up here at First Presbyterian Church of Winter Haven. Fred Foy is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church USA. He has earned his Master of Divinity, Doctor of Ministry, and PhD degrees. Cecily, a registered nurse, has just completed her PhD in nursing with a focus on culturally congruent malaria care for the Maasai people.

The Strangs have served God in ministry with the Maasai people full time for 2 years and part time for decades. (You can visit the website for the Maasai Special Projects Fund for more of the story.) Fred Foy and Cecily have felt God’s call to once again move to Africa full time and complete the new Oldoinyo Kiti (small mountain) Theological Education by Extension and Rural Retreat and Training Center among the Maasai people. Our church is making a donation from this year’s foreign mission line item in the budget to the construction of this training center.

Please join us for supper (chicken tetrazzini, green beans, bread) with Cecily and Fred Foy this Sunday, October 5 at 6:00 p.m. to hear how God is working among the Maasai through these wonderful servants of God.

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