St. Nicholas Day – Jingle Java Jam, Sunday December 6 at 4 p.m.

If you remember having fun at The Madrigal Feast we did for several years, then you will love this event!

Round tables will fill the decorated McLeod Hall and you will be treated to a wonderful dessert and coffee or hot cocoa and cookies for the young ones. Children, youth and adults will present a musical program featuring choral, bell and other instrumental selections of sacred and secular songs of the season. Everyone can participate as we join together to sing the popular and much requested “Twelve Days of Christmas.”

Donations will be gladly accepted to defray the cost. Reservations are needed to accommodate food and seating, please call the church office at 294-3121. Nursery services will be provided if needed. We look forward to seeing you for this special holiday event. Thank you!

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