July 7 at 11:15 am

Two Cheers for the Red, White, and Blue 

We hope you will have a great Fourth of July on Thursday. Whatever you do, wave your flags and Cheer for the Red, White, and Blue!

We then hope you will join your church family on Sunday, July 7 and will cheer once again for the Red, White, and Blue. On this date, you will be able to sing a medley of Patriotic Songs and then dig into a delicious BarBQ meal provided by Rick’s BarBQ. For this event, we do need reservations. Adults (children age 10 and up) are asked to pay $8 for the BarBQ sandwich, coleslaw, baked beans, and dessert. Chicken Nuggets and Macaroni and Cheese will be available for younger children for $4.

You can make your reservation by calling the church office at 294-3121 or emailing the at by Tuesday, July 2.

Payment will be accepted only at the door. Thank you!



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