This year’s Palm Sunday marked the dedication of the Glory to God hymnals for our use in worship. Out of 500 hymnals, 392 have been dedicated, which means there are still 108 hymnals needing dedications.
On November 2, the church will observe All Saints Day in worship. As we celebrate the lives of all those who have joined the Church triumphant in the past year, we will again print the full dedication list.
Quick Facts
- Glory to God contains 853 hymns, compared to 605 previous Blue hymnal.
- Virtually 100% of the 65% of the Blue hymnal that we ever use is in Glory to God; which basically means, if there is a hymn you like in the Blue hymnal… it’s in Glory to God.
- The 65% of the Blue hymnal only constitutes 50% of the new hymnal.
- This means there are over 400 new hymns in the Glory to God!
What happened to the blue hymnals?
- Many families took advantage of claiming Blue hymnals that were dedicated to them or to their families.
- The pew racks of the Chapel contain about 100 blue hymnals.
- The libraries and music library have several available for checking out.
- The remaining 250 hymnals were donated to First Presbyterian of Auburndale and First Presbyterian of Lake Alfred. Rather than these hymnals sitting in boxes in our closets, they are being put to use by our brothers and sisters in our own neighborhood.
If there is someone you wish to honor with the dedication of a Glory to God hymnal, please contact the office by Monday October 27. Each dedication is $20.