We hope you will join us in worship for our First Sunday First Pres Gathering this Sunday, August 4 at 10 am. As we praise God that morning, we will be joined in worship by the Rev. John Reiter, Executive Director of Cedarkirk Camp and Conference Center. Rev Reiter grew up in our presbytery and rose through the ranks on the summer staff at Cedarkirk. After seminary, John served in camp and conference ministry in other locations in the southeast, and then returned to lead our presbytery’s ministry at Cedarkirk. John will be helping us celebrate the wonderful role our conference center has played in forming faith in generations of Christians, and outlining the exciting plans that we have for the future in this ministry that we share with the other churches in Tampa Bay and Peace River Presbyteries.

After the single worship, we hope you will stay for a wonderful fellowship luncheon hosted by our Congregational Care Committee.


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