At the Single 10:00 a.m. Worship Service you will be able to catch up with all your First Pres friends. The service that Sunday will feature a unique order of worship with elements from our other services such as: several opening songs with our Praise Band, a traditional anthem, Sermon, Time with Younger Disciples, prayers by our pastors, and a closing hymn accompanied on our pipe organ.

At 11:15 a.m., we hope to continue fellowship with our First Pres family and friends, with a Congregation-wide Fellowship Luncheon in McLeod Hall. The Sunday meal will feature a baked potato bar.

No reservations requested or required. There will be plenty of food. Any leftovers will be used by our  Saturday Soup Kitchen.

We hope you will join us for this great day of faith, friendship, and fellowship on July 29th.

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