Fifth Sunday First Pres Family Gathering

On October 29, (and every fifth Sunday), we will have a single worship service followed by a fellowship luncheon.

This service will feature a unique order of worship with elements from our other services such as: several opening songs with our Praise Band, the Children’s Singers and Chimes, an anthem presented by our Chancel Choir, Sermon, Time with Younger Disciples, prayers by our pastors, and a closing hymn accompanied on our pipe organ.

At 11:15 a.m., we continue fellowship with our First Pres family and friends, with a Congregation-wide Fellowship Luncheon in McLeod Hall.

No reservations requested or required.

Dr. Steve Negley will be the head cook for the October 29 Fifth Sunday Meal. If you want to join him in preparation (Saturday, October 28) or final cooking (Sunday, October 29) call him at 294-3121, or send him an email at to volunteer.

We hope you will join us for this great day of faith, friendship, and fellowship!

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