Fall Worship Has Returned

At 8:50 a.m., members and friends of First Presbyterian Church are invited to attend The Gathering. This service is held in the sanctuary. The piano is the primary instrument for leading in congregational music with a variety of instruments adding special touches from week to week. The prayers in worship and the flow of the service help the congregation gather in God’s love. The Gathering ordinarily lasts 50 minutes and will conclude with the
Benediction at 9:40 a.m.
At 11:00 a.m., you are invited to attend our later morning worship. This service is held in the sanctuary with music and responses regularly led by our chancel choir and accompanied by organ and piano. In the tradition of our church, cultivated over the last few decades, a full liturgy gives the congregation opportunities for spiritual enrichment and the sense of God’s love and grace. This worship service ordinarily lasts one hour and concludes with the Benediction at 12:00 p.m.
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