Fall Sunday School Begins, September 20

Sunday School for Children & Youth:

The children and youth meet at 9:45 a.m.

Children ages three through fifth grade will meet in the new children’s music room, Room 103 of the Education Building from 9:45 – 10 a.m. with Ms. Lynn.

3 & 4 Year Olds will meet in Room 108 for a morning of crafts, snacks, Bible stories, and playtime with their preschool friends.

Elementary aged children will enjoy the Workshop Rotation this Fall with Science, Movies, Art, Cooking, Storytelling, Games, and Library time!! Special prizes will be offered all year long for attendance.

Middle school and High school youth meet every Sunday morning in The Golden Center for Sunday School from 9:45-10:45. During this time we meet, have fun and eat good food while learning about and growing in our faith in Christ. Come join us.

Adult Sunday School meets at 10 a.m.

Raising Christ-Centered Children will meet in Room 101 of the Christian Education Building. Teachers for this class are Bob and Carol Carter and Gannon Olmert. This class will meet for 6 weeks, with a Marriage Class starting on November 1, led by Jay & Lia Gray.

The Perspectives Class will start a new series on the book – What Does the Lord Require? Doing Justice, Loving Kindness, Walking Humbly, by James C. Howell. This class meets in the Geneva Room and is facilitated by Dr. Jim Threlkel and Glenn Thomas.

Dr. Negley will lead Faith as a Verb – Chapter 11 of the Biblical book of Hebrews shows snapshot after snapshot of faith in action. (Enoch, Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Moses’ mother, Rabab the harlot, Gideon, Barak, David are
all touted as faithful followers of God on life’s journey.) Join us as we use this one chapter, and the rich list of heroes and heroines of our faith, as our starting point for weekly conversations about how we live faithful lives as God’s people. Please join us in the back of McLeod Hall.

Have Your Second Cup of Coffee on Us – Coffee House Chat will meet in the Girl Scout House at 10 a.m. We will offer a brief devotion, coffee, and goodies. Come enjoy fellowship with your First Pres friends!

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