Fall Fest

SteveFallFestOur Fall-bulous Fall Fest will be held on Wednesday, October 29 beginning with a pizza dinner at 5:30 p.m. The festivities will begin at 6 p.m. with games, prizes, a box maze, and fall-tastic fun for kids and adults. The children are invited to wear non-scary Halloween costumes. If you plan on joining us for dinner, reservations are needed by Monday, October 27 (863-294-3121). We are also collecting individually wrapped candy or small prizes for the event. Please drop them off in McLeod Hall by Tuesday, October 28. We will be collecting a donation for the dinner.

If you are able to help set-up for the event, please contact Amy McKee at (863-294-3121) or amckee@firstpreswh.org. We will begin set up on October 29 at 9:30 a.m. in McLeod Hall.


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