Devotional Blog

For Lent in 2014, our staff published a daily devotional series to accompany our journey to empty tomb.  The response was so tremendous that the staff has continued to write these daily devotionals.  Not a week goes by that someone doesn’t comment about something someone had written, or how they not only read the devotionals everyday, but they also forward them to their family and friends.  The staff thanks you for your continued interest and comments.

In order to have a better platform with which to offer these devotions, we have created a blog on our website.  We encourage you to visit everyday for the latest devotionals.  Or visit the homepage and click “Blog” at the top of the page.  On this blog you can view past devotionals, sort by a specific author, as well as month.  This website is a welcome addition to our [still] new website, and will continually deliver God’s message of love, hope, and peace to our community and the entire world.

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