September 13 at 10:25 AM

This will be a HYBRID FORMAT MEETING. There will be an opportunity for members to attend, discuss, and vote EITHER IN-PERSON IN THE SANCTUARY OR VIA ZOOM VIDEO CONFERENCE.

The business to be conducted at the Congregational Meeting is to:

1. Act upon Dr. Alan Harvey’s request that the Associate Pastor Relationship be dissolved on September 17, 2020 so that he might move   to Honorably Retired Status with the PC(USA)

2. Hear the report of the Nominating Committee and elect elders and deacons for the Class of 2023 (and one deacon and one elder to fill un- expired terms in the Class of 2021) and to elect at-large members to the Nominating Committee Class of 2021.

  • Deacons
    Class of 2021 (unexpired term) :Bill Lockhart
    Class of 2023: Becca Alexander, Kevin Britt, Hadley Owen, Amy Speer, Gail Van Allen 
  • Elders
    Class of 2021 (unexpired term): Todd Dantzler
    Class of 2023: Cindy Chilton, Lisa Endres, Lindsey Ivey, Mike Seney, Aurora Walker
  • Nominating
    Class of 2023: Laura Frost, Mike Harris, Jane Ray, Kasey Ray, Tom Oldt

We need 101 members in attendance in these combined formats to achieve our quorum for this Congregational Meeting.

Please click Congregational Meeting to join by Zoom.

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