Have you ever thought about participating in our music groups here at church? Now is your chance! Even if you don’t read music (not all of our musicians read, so you’d fit right in!), you are more than welcome to join us in making music together.

Chancel Bells rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 6 – 7 pm and Chancel Choir rehearses from 7 – 8:15 pm. We are an open group of people who love making music with each other and spending our Wednesday evenings together! Chapel Bells is a smaller bell group that rehearses easier music. We are always looking for more members, too! We rehearse on Thursday afternoons at 1:15 pm. Rehearsals will resume after the holidays on Wednesday, January 11, and Thursday, January 12.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Jeremy, our Director of Music Ministries, at or by calling the church office at (863) 294-3121.


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