Our First Pres Musicians has begun our fall season of music making and we would love to extend an invitation to YOU. Rehearsals are on Wednesdays for Chancel Bells and Chancel Choir, and Thursdays for Chapel Bells. Please read below for more details.

Chancel Choir: We rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:15 (later at times leading up to holidays/special events). Our rehearsals begin with a time of prayer, followed by vocal warmups, and then learning songs and anthems to share at the 10:00 am worship service. We are an open group of people united by our passion to join our voices together in praise and worship. Our rehearsals are filled with joy, laughter, and music making. We extend an open invitation to you on August 21 to come experience rehearsal with us (no commitment necessary!) Come make a joyful noise with us!

Chancel Bells: We are a group of people who love to ring out praise of our great God together. Chancel Bells rehearse every Wednesday evening from 6:00 – 7:00 in the Bell Room on the third floor of the Sanctuary building. We (usually) ring the prelude at the 10:00 am worship on the first Sunday of each month and offer special anthems at holidays and other services. Handbell music looks like piano music, but each ringer is assigned a certain number of bells/notes for the entire piece. It It takes us all to create a beautiful piece of music. If you don’t know how to read music, that is okay! – It is no excuse for you to try your hand at bell ringing! If you are interested in trying us out, we’d love to have you ring with us!

Chapel Bells: We rehearse on Thursday afternoons from 1:15 – 2:15 in the Bell Room.

We use the same bells and read the same type of music as the Chancel Bells, but our music is quite a bit easier to play. If you’ve never rang bells before, this would be the group for you to start in and see how you like it! We offer music throughout the year at the 10:00 am worship service.

We are so excited to start this choir season and hope you will join in making music with us! For more information, please call Jeremy at the church office or email him at


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