Be sure to mark your calendars for our Bible, Bluegrass, and BBQ Sunday on February 4! During our worship service at 10 am, all our music for that day will be from the Bluegrass Gospel tradition. The Chancel Choir will share some oldies like Down in the River to Pray and Will the Circle Be Unbroken?. You will be able to join in on singing some favorites as well, such as When We All Get to Heaven and Church in the Wildwood.
Accompaniment for the service will be provided by our very own Polkabilly Presbyterian Orchestra featuring Laura Greenberg on fiddle, Nat West on banjo, James Koon on mandolin, T. Michael Stavres on guitar, and Squire Smith on the upright bass! Dr. Negley will be preaching on the parable of the prodigal son from The Gospel of Luke.
Following our worship, we will gather for a BBQ luncheon in McLeod Hall. Our menu will feature pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, coleslaw, tea, lemonade, and Moon Pies for dessert. You won’t want to miss this day of worship, praise, and fellowship!