A Night Remembered ~ A Lenten Worship Theme

When we follow the story of the life of Jesus in the Gospel According to John, we find that the events of the last night of Jesus’ earthly life fill 6 entire biblical chapters. Our Sunday worship/sermons in the Season of Lent will help us to listen to Jesus’ words from this incredible night.

First Sunday in Lent, February 18: John 13 (The night begins with service/foot-washing and communion)

Second Sunday in Lent, February 25: John 14 (Jesus’ farewell discourse/the believer’s relationship to the Glorified Christ)

Third Sunday in Lent, March 4: John 15 (I am the vine, you are the branches)

Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 11: John 16 (The believer’s relationship to the world)

Fifth Sunday in Lent, March 18: John 17 (Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer)

We hope you will join us for worship as a part of your own Lenten journey toward the cross.

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