Did you miss getting your picture taken for our 2020 Church Directory?

We have noticed several people missing who were pictured in the 2016 directory when compared with the roster of persons who were photographed in December 2019 and February 2020. Thus far, for the 2020 Directory we have had 135 photos taken compared to 240 for the 2016 Directory.

Would you still like to have your photo included in the new directory? If your answer is “Yes!” and if there is enough interest, we are trying to schedule a makeup day.

Please call the church office at 294-3121 or Toni Barger at 914-715-1734 and let us know you would like another opportunity to be photographed. Also, please indicate what day works best for you: Tuesday, Saturday, or either one.

We really would like as many photos as possible in our 2020 First Pres Pictorial Directory.

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