Psalm 16:8-9
I know the Lord is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice.
My body rests in safety.
David is proclaiming the joy he feels because he has God. This is the kind of joy that goes beyond instant gratification or earthly possessions. David is speaking of the joy that passes all understanding. That joy you can find even in the darkest of times. Not because you are happy about your current situation or even the tragedy you may be experiencing. No, this is the joy that we have in the knowledge that God brings glory to every situation. David knew this joy. His body rested safely in this joy. You see, David found the secret to true happiness and it does not rest in the things of this life. It rests safely in the arms of our awe inspiring God. God, that created the heavens and the earth. God, that loved us enough to send his one and only son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins. This profound truth has brought me through the darkest of times. To praise God even in the midst of difficulty is the joy David was speaking of. When we seek God’s daily presence in our lives that is when we experience the joy David is referring to.
It is easy to get drawn into the circumstances of this life and begin to put our faith and trust in those things. We are called, however, to put our trust in God and when we do that rather than our circumstances we begin to experience that joy David experienced. As believers, our hope is in the Lord not this world. It is in that hope that our joy comes from. Take that joy that is offered to you and hold it close to your heart. Let us never forget the Lord is always with us. Like David we will not be shaken. Can I say that again? We will NOT be shaken! Rest in the reality that no matter how dark certain seasons of life are God is with you and has promised an eternity of joy and peace with Him.
Gracious Heavenly Father, we thank you for the true joy that you bring to our lives. Help us to remember your promises and like David help us to rejoice with a glad heart. We love you and thank you for your promises. In Your Precious and Most Holy Name, Amen