My Gift at Two Years Old

Candy Marshall’s nativity was a gift she received when she was two years old. 

Candy writes, “My Aunt and Uncle sent this to me when I was 2 years old from California, where they lived! Through the years I always set it up when I lived at home and then when Larry and I were married it became part of our holiday celebration. As a child, I took special care of it and would play with the animals, Wise Men, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, Baby Jesus and the Angel for what seems in my recollection hours at a time! I would go through the Bible story and act it out with my Nativity set and each year when it was time to pack it a way I would clean each piece and carefully wrap it in tissue and put it in the original box it came in! I still do that today!

Probably about 35-40 years ago, Larry built me a new crèche and we have used it proudly ever since!”

Scripture: I John 1:1-2

Thought for the Day: Did you know that preserving the original packaging makes items even more valuable on the secondary market. Is there something you handle very carefully and store in its original packaging?

Prayer: Maker of heaven and earth, while we do not worship our treasures, we do want to protect them and handle them with care. We are grateful for precious gifts and we cherish them. Keep us ever mindful that Jesus is the Priceless Treasure as we prepare once again to celebrate His birth. Amen.

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