My Favorite Things – My Christmas Tree

Psalm 1:3

That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.

When it comes to decorations at Christmas, oh how I love a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Of course the ones at some of the Disney hotels are absolutely gorgeous, but I really love my tree. It isn’t anything special. It’s 7.5 feet tall and has white lights. But nearly all of the ornaments are special to me. My mom was really good about giving me “most” of my ornaments when I got a place of my own. She kept a few for her tree so my brother and I could still hang some on their tree. It’s really neat though – the story of my life can be told through these various ornaments.

There are the oraments from when I was born. There are some of the ones that I acquired or made during elementary school. I have UCF ornaments to symbolize my college years. I have ornaments from our trips to Germany, Hawaii, Alaska, and other places we’ve visited. We have ornaments from our first year of marriage and I have ornaments for Jonathan and Timothy, marking their first Christmases. I absolutely love my Christmas tree.

The cool thing was the year Jonathan was born; he was due on November 17. I really wanted to put up my Christmas tree and have it decorated before he was born. Well, Jonathan decided to wait a bit before he arrived, so the Saturday evening before the Monday he was born, we decorated our Christmas tree. I am sure that was his point. He wanted to make sure he came home to a somewhat decorated home.

Even this year, I didn’t pull out a lot of Christmas decorations, but we made sure we put up the tree and Jonathan was able to hang ornaments on the tree. It’s a beautiful symbol and one that I absolutely adore this time of year.

What’s a Christmas symbol that holds a special place in your heart? Do you have a special ornament that you make sure you hang on your tree each year?


Lord the symbols of Christmas are many. We thank You for the lights on the tree that light up our homes and hearts this Christmas season. Help us to be the light for others – to shine Your light everywhere we go. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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