1 John 3:1
See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and that is what we are.
Morning Out Moms, a cherished ministry of First Presbyterian Church from at least the late 1960’s, continues to be a small, loving childcare space in our Christian Education building. I have had the honor to be present with these beloved children of God, children barely walking and feeding themselves to under four years old as a substitute caregiver. It brings my heart great joy to walk into the room and hear, “Miss Sarah!” Always followed by a hug and then we play. We ‘vrrrm’ the cars, or cook a meal, or build tall towers together in that magical space MOM provides. This picture shows that whisper of God’s love as a few gathered around to hear a story. They also get to play outside or sing and dance with Mr. Jeremy Rath. Through our MOM ministry children of God experience God’s love for them here at First Pres.
Gracious Father, as we are called children of God, we lift to you those children of God who are a part of our Morning Out Mom’s ministry, and the Caregivers. Continue to keep them all safe. May they experience Christ’s love for them now and always. Amen.