Therefore, my beloved, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work of the Lord, because You know that in the Lord Your labor is not in vain.
Paul was one of the most prolific writers among the early followers of Jesus. Thirteen of the letters included in our New Testament come to us under Paul’s name and influence. The early church considered Paul’s words to churches and church leaders to be scripture – the very Word of God. In wondering what God might say to us in our time, I have been reading the closing remarks in some of Paul’s letters.
Paul wrote several letters to the church in Corinth. He had helped found that church wrote back to them with critique and commendation as the different situations demanded. Paul and the Corinthians Christians shared a passion for ministry and a love for their Lord Jesus. And he closes his first letter, Paul reminds them to stay faithful in their lives.
“My beloved —
Be steadfast
Be immovable
Excel in the work of the Lord
And what You do for God will not be in vain!”
Sometimes, when the future seems uncertain and confusing, we need to hold onto what has worked in the past, and keep on working.
Let’s steadfastly keep loving God and everyone we meet. Let’s be immovable in our faith as we excel in the Lord’s work. And what we do will not be in vain.
Wonderful God, help me to think back to how You have sustained me each day in the past, as I trust that You will guide me today and each day of my future, as I live as Your child and work as a faithful disciple of my Lord and Savior Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen