Mission Moments: Presbyterian Church (USA) Presbyterian Mission Co-Worker: Rev. Sharon Bryant – Thailand

Daily Devotion Focusing on the Missions Supported by First Pres

John 3:16-17

For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.

Sharon coordinates volunteers who come to Thailand on short-term mission assignments to teach English. They serve Thai students in grades K-12 who attend the 25 Christian schools of the Church of Christ in Thailand. In addition to teaching, the volunteers share their lives of faith and leave a lasting impact on the schools and the surrounding communities. Those who lead the Thai church today have stories of such volunteers in their past. Sharon’s goal is to help the next generation that have similar stories to share.

With lift prayers and support to the Church of Christ in Thailand, their schools and Rev. Sharon Bryant’s ministry with volunteers that come to be part of their lives for a short time. We continue to pray that the seeds they plant will be nurtured, watered and come to fruition in the God’s time. Let’s lift prayers of thanks and trust in God’s faithfulness,


Gracious and Loving Lord, continue to help us and Your Church of Christ in Thailand to do the right thing and may we trust the results to be left to You. Help us all to plant and water and nourish as many seeds of faith, hope, and love. May Your Holy Spirit’s care continue beyond what we can see and may those seeds flower and others yield the bountiful harvest. It is trusting in Your Son’s faithfulness and hope, we pray, Amen.

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