Mission Moments: Bag Lunches

Daily Devotions Focusing on the Missions supported by First Pres

John 6:48-51

“I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread that comes down from heaven so that one may eat of it and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I give for the life of the world is my flesh.”

For over two decades First Presbyterian Church has freely given a bag lunch to whomever is hungry during the week. When our office is open, the door is unlocked, and anyone is welcome to come in and grab a bag. These bags are tagged with the note:

The children, youth, men and women of our church provide these lunches as an expression of our love through our Lord Jesus Christ. We hope that it will give you physical strength just as God gives you spiritual strength.

And inside, those hungry people will find: a juice box, peanut butter crackers, a small Vienna sausage container, and a pudding cup. Each person can pick up one a day and sometimes we give out free fruit, bread, or protein drinks as well. Some weeks we’ll have over 250 hungry community members pick up a bag. Some days the office staff will do impromptu prayers with a gentleman whose life is a little more scattered than most of us like.

Whoever is picking up a bag and all the thoughtful and kind people that take the time to assemble the bags are not completely known to me, but Jesus knows them. I hope, as well, that through these meals to those who are physically hungry are also spiritually strengthened. I hope as you read this devotion, you too are comforted to be one who lives out Christ Jesus’ call to tend and feed his sheep whether it is direct donations to our Feeding Ministry, volunteering to assemble the bag lunches, or remembering these hungry people in your prayers.


Lord Jesus, as the bread of life we pray that these earthly meals will satisfy and allow those who partake to be strengthened to hear Your voice. We are thankful for gifts and resources You have bestowed upon us and joyful return a portion to this church’s mission at our door. May we continue to be strengthened by your Spirit and the bread of life given freely. Amen.

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