Melt Me; Mold me; Fill me; Use me.

As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit came on them as he had come on us at the beginning. Acts 11:15

This is the only verse that is referenced in our Glory to God Hymnal for Acts Chapter 11. As I look at the words to “Spirit of the Living God” (#288) I can appreciate the simplicity of the supplication in the words: Melt me; mold me; fill me; use me. Although the words might be simple, on second thought, these same words can tend to bring on a panic attack to someone who is very used to “taking the path less traveled” or “marching to a different drum” , or just living alone and being responsible to/for no one else. Although these lyrics use a lot of “me” it is about the giving of oneself to be refreshed and driven by the Holy Spirit. When I sing this song it lets me know what it means to “take a leap of faith”.


Dear Lord, refresh me daily with your Holy Spirit. Help me take that leap of faith that lets me live my life as one of your disciples. Amen.

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