Acts 16:9-15
Who’s Who in the Bible? And which stories do we take time to tell?
I want to make sure that people know about a woman named Lydia. So do the people who created the Spark Story Bible for children.
An amazing woman heard Paul teaching. Unlike many other women of that time, Lydia had her own business. She sold beautiful, expensive purple cloth to rich and famous people.
Lydia said to Paul, “Tell me more about Jesus! I want to learn everything I can about the Son of God!”
Paul told her about Jesus’ teachings…..
Lydia was amazed. “I want to be one of Jesus’ followers!” She exclaimed. “Will you baptize me and everyone who lives in my house?”
Lydia, Paul, and all of the people that lived in Lydia’s house went to the water…. Paul baptized each of them. “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” ….
Lydia became a follower of Jesus. She was very generous, using her money to help many people. “Jesus loves you!” she told as many people as she could. “Jesus has saved you from your sins! Follow Jesus – he is the Son of God!”
I want to make sure that people know about a woman named Lydia. She shared her faith with her family and beyond.
God, thank You for those who have shown me the love of Jesus in their words and actions. Help me to be someone who tells of the love I have known through Jesus with everyone I meet. Amen.