Love and Alleluia

“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him.” Mark 16:6

Love drowned in death, shall never die. . .Love’s redeeming work is done . . .My love, the Crucified, has sprung to life this morrow. . .Lovingly he greets us, scatter fear and gloom. . .He died on the accursed tree, so strong his love to save us. . .Sing we to our God above, praise eternal as God’s love. . .majesty in darkness, energy of love, Chris has risen for the people whom he died to love and save. . .Christ suffers still, yet loves the more. . .In the grave they laid him, love by hatred slain. . .See what love can do and dare. . . . . . . . . . . . .Alleluia! (in Glory to God, The Presbyterian Hymnal)

Love and Alleluia. These two words seem to sum up the ‘Good News’ in Mark 16:6 as shared in many of our hymns of resurrection. An Alleluia or Hallelujah sung is always a joyful, triumphant, glorious celebration of God’s love and usually my favorite part of an anthem or hymn. Sometimes when I get bogged down in a difficult choral musical passage I stop myself and take a moment to focus on the words. It always brings me back to what is important, the message in the song. Whether it is the message of Christ’s birth, His resurrection, or our Christian life, the story that is told through song is always one of love and celebration.


Dear Lord, help us remember Your story of love and celebration. Help us to use our time and talents earnestly and wisely to help spread this Good News. Amen.

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