Psalm 23:6
Sometimes I try out sermon ideas on the group of men that assemble Tuesdays at noon at our church. I floated the concept of life verses to them one week, and they gave me all that I could handle for the following Sunday’s sermon.
Three different men claimed that Psalm 23 spoke to them in their life. And each of these children of God chose a unique verse from this song of faith.
The third verse from Psalm 23 that was mentioned as a life verse was the last verse:
I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
Where I like this Psalm, I love how it ends. When I think about faith, I am reminded that life is not a short-term trek, it is an eternal journey. The older I get, and the more times I have had to say goodbye to loved ones or friends who have died, the more hope I find in these wonderful words.
I remember a line from a sermon preached in our church years ago by Sr. Pastor Don Price. Don celebrated that “I am going to live until die, and then I’m going to live forever.”
Like Don, I am sure that I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
Thank You, God, for the promise that You care for me just as shepherd cares for a beloved lamb. Thank You for Your protection in the shadowy places along the earthly path, and for providing the assurance that I am destined to live in Your house forever. Amen.