Psalm 23:4
Sometimes I try out sermon ideas on the group of men that assemble Tuesdays at noon at our church. I floated the idea of life verses to them one week, and they gave me all that I could handle for the following Sunday’s sermon.
Three different men claimed that Psalm 23 spoke to them in their life. And each of these children of God chose a unique verse from this song of faith.
The second verse from Psalm 23 that was mentioned as a life verse was verse 4:
4 Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil; for thou art with me;
thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
When do we feel the need to trust God? When do we find comfort in the personal relationship we have with God? When life is difficult, and when we come face to face with realities like death and evil, God’s presence is a source of personal comfort.
What are the things that are casting dark shadows in your life? Fear not, there is a beacon of hope. God has got this.
I want to thank You, God, as I wander through my daily life, that I don’t have to fear the shadows for You are the very light of the world. Help me to take the next step in discipleship trusting that I am walking with my Lord and Savior, Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.