Lots of Life Verses-5

Psalm 23:1

Sometimes I try out sermon ideas on the group of men that assemble Tuesdays at noon at our church. I floated the idea of life verses to them one week, and they gave me all that I could handle for the following Sunday’s sermon.

Three different men claimed that Psalm 23 spoke to them in their life. And each of these children of God chose a unique verse from this song of faith.

The first verse from Psalm 23 that was mentioned as a life verse was literally the first verse:

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

There is a personal claim in that verse. The Lord is “MY” shepherd. And because I trust God to lead me in this way “I” shall not want or lack what I really need.

Faith is a personal thing. When we think and talk about our faith it really is “I” and “My”.


Great God, I turn to You today and every day trusting that You know and love me and I can know and love You more deeply. Thank You for calling and claiming me as one of Your beloved sheep. Amen.