Lord We Need You

One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: “Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.” So Paul stayed in Corinth for a year and a half, teaching them the word of God. Acts 18:9-11

Similar to last week’s devotional, sometimes we are called to step out in faith and speak up for what we truly believe in, unsure of how everyone else will perceive it. Will we be ridiculed? Will we be persecuted? Friends, I do believe we are at a time in history where it is up to us to stand up and speak up. Our Christian values are becoming a thing of the past and my heart breaks to see where our world is turning. Violence surrounds us, prayers go unspoken, friends are turning against friends, families are being torn apart, our economy is unsettled, the safety that we once knew in our nation is no longer, and it seems like our nation and world are falling apart.

What does that mean for us? I do believe the time is coming where we will have to stand up for everything we believe in – for our Bible and our Lord. I’m afraid it won’t be easy; I’m scared that verse 10 won’t apply to our lives now – that we might be harmed or persecuted but the Lord calls us to be His earthly disciples. I pray it doesn’t come to that, I pray that the Lord will provide healing and renewal to our nation and world. I pray for peace, faith, hope, and love. Most importantly, I pray that everyone comes to know and love our Lord. But until that day comes – I put my faith, trust, and hope in our Lord and Savior.


Healer of our World – we pray for peace. We pray for unity. We pray Lord Jesus that everyone will come to know You and follow You. Lord we need You. You oh Lord are our everything. Please come quickly Jesus and rescue us. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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