
“Brothers, listen! We are here to proclaim that through this man Jesus there is forgiveness for your sins. Everyone who believes in him is declared right with God-something the law of Moses could never do.” Acts 13:38-40

The Good News being preached was that if you believe then you are forgiven and right with God. That was such good news and refreshing to hear that people finally found peace. That is still the same good news we hear today. As believers in Jesus Christ we have the forgiveness of sins, not because we are sinless or deserve it, but because once we believe we belong to Christ. John 10:29-30 says,” For my Father has given them to me and he is more powerful than anyone else. No one can snatch them from the Father’s hand. The Father and I are one. I love this verse because it reminds me that I belong to God and nothing can change that. What is God’s is God’s forever. He won the battle and now all I have to do is believe and allow the Holy Spirit to do the work of transformation in my life. The relationship with Christ is first, then the change comes second. We have to stop living like our good works will somehow make us right with God. Relationship with Christ is first and foremost. Then we belong to Him and undeniable change happens in our hardened hearts.

My study bible said something that I thought was beautiful and something I hope that you find peace in reading. It said,” This is the focus of the Good News: Forgiveness of sins and freedom from guilt are available through faith in Christ to all people- including you. Have you received this forgiveness? Are you refreshed each day by the thought that you are right with God?” So, are you refreshed each morning you wake up knowing that this is another day you get to wake up basking in God’s glory and forgiveness? Forgiven and loved people forgive and love others. Let’s live in that space today and everyday. Sit today and really think about the fact that you are forgiven and that the creator of heaven and earth loves you so much that nothing can snatch you from his hands.


Gracious Lord, thank You for the Good News that I am forgiven and made right with You when I believed. I pray that each day You remind me that it is nothing I have done and everything that You have done for me. Help me to wake up each morning with renewed joy and peace knowing that nothing can snatch me from Your hand. In Jesus Name, Amen.

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