The writer of John’s gospel parleys the coming of Jesus as the Messiah to the Good News shared here in the third chapter, 3:16. It has been said by many scholars through the years that the divine message of the whole gospel ever found in the Bible can be known here in this one verse. It is true that here we have the message of the whole gospel in just one verse. Jesus Christ, God’s Son, did come to seek and to save all who have lived. Jesus Christ came to save us by loving us and healing us.
The third chapter has to be just about the most enlightening and revealing and astonishing teaching that has ever been written throughout the Bible. Some scholars have named this verse as the Truth of God’s loving relationship with humanity. For all of you who come Sunday to worship have heard me say, “Friends, believe the Good News, in Jesus Christ your sin is forgiven!” I wish to remind all of us that this pronouncement is built upon John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.”
Why do we say this? The Good News tells us that the Son of Man must be lifted up as the Redemption for our sin. This statement of sin is, of course, revealed in our disobedience to the Word of God. Jesus, the Son of God, was lifted up upon the cross as it was appointed for the cure of all sin! Let’s make this more personal by saying, forgiveness your sin and mine. Jesus Christ suffered by paying the price for our sin, our disobedience to the word of our heavenly Father.
O Lord, our Father in heaven, we praise You with all we humbly can place before You, that Your Son, our Saviour, Jesus the Christ, had to suffer because of our sin in disobedience. Father, forgive us and help us to live a renewed life, in service to Your kingdom, both here on earth and in heaven to come. In His Name we pray. Amen.