Introduction to a New Series of Devotionals-2

Yesterday we began a new series of devotionals using the Scripture Index of Glory to God Hymns, Psalms and Spiritual Songs as a guide. The Scriptural Index is found on pages 979-988.

Beginning with Genesis 1, there are six musical selections with allusions to that first chapter of the Bible. For Genesis 1:1, there are eight selections with allusions to that first chapter and first verse.

This series of devotionals will take us up to Advent and the “Sweeter Than Honey,” the Advent/Christmas /Epiphany Cookbook Devotional. Then, we will resume the series on January 7, 2020, the day after Epiphany.

The plan is to examine many, but not all of the scriptures listed. Where there has been only one scripture verse from a book, like Ezra 3:11 and Esther 4:14, then we will certainly deal with those verses. We will point out the scriptural allusion. For the purpose of this devotional you will be best served to have your Bible handy and the hymn for the day from Glory to God hymnal will be printed, since everyone may not have a copy of the hymnal at home or wherever you are when doing your daily devotional.

READ: Genesis 1:11-18

READ or SING: Hymn 14 For the Beauty of the Earth

From my earliest years of singing in a children’s choir, I have liked the hymn. In recent years it has moved to position #4 in my favorite hymns with the other three being: Our God, Our Help in Ages Past, Now Thank We All Our God, and The Church’s One Foundation.

Specific works of creation are mentioned in the third verse: “hill and vale, and tree and flower; sun and moon and stars of light;” In the scripture, we read of God giving the sun and moon and stars of light. We learn that God has made the earth green with vegetation. The author mentions gifts God has given us allowing us to appreciate the beauty and wonder of creation. “For the joy of ear and eye, for the heart and mind’s delight.”

Years ago, my parents and I made a trip to New England and Canada. One day we visited the Botanical Gardens in Montreal. What a day it was! The roses in the Rose Garden were magnificent. I can close my eyes and still get in touch with the incredible perfume. When we returned home I was anxious to have my pictures developed and I took them to a photographer. Something happened and all of those photographs were lost. I was heartsick! I still can remember how beautiful that garden was thanks to the gift of memory (mind’s delight).

As part of your worship this day: take time to stop and smell the roses …to observe butterflies in flight … to appreciate a cool breeze on a summer day … and to listen to the giggles and laughter of a child.


Lord of all to Thee, we raise this our hymn of grateful praise. Amen.

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