Who of us have never wondered about what it is we are doing; that is living! Now I realize that we all who wonder have life, about how and where did life come from? It is probably a topic none of us have a complete handle on, let alone The Answer! This is probably one of the reasons why our understanding of religion is based upon Faith and not on fact! When it comes to creation we all have knowledge about how it is we have come about.
The intent of this devotion is to help us seriously look once again how was it that God created, not in the sense of finding fault, but with an open mind and a searching spirit. Then to nurture our faithful understanding of Life itself as it comes to us. Though our study may not bring about an immense growth in our understanding of life, it will inspire our faith into at least an avenue of fulfilling commitment to our Creator. As we learn more about how did LIFE itself come about in the very beginning. This knowledge will bring each of us closer to God Father.
In this meditation I’m looking mostly at the end of the first chapter, Genesis 1:26; then God said, “Let us make humanity in our image to resemble us so that they may take charge of the fish of the sea, the birds of the sky, the livestock, all the earth, and all the crawling things on the earth.” (Common English Bible).
The Bible has been written to give humanity, you and me, a feeling of comfort, a sense of peace, and a faith that is truly based on our Creator God. When we read what we can’t truly know, we, on faith, can come to a stronger and deeper understanding of the life that God has blest us with. As the writer reports, “so that they may take charge.”
Holy Father, we who are created, even in your image, always seek your grace so that we do not become lost in our faith; even as we have Jesus Christ, your Son, to guide us. In His Love, we become stronger in our knowledge and faith, so that we may better serve your Creation on earth, that everything may be good. We pray in Your Name. Amen.