I’m Sorry, So Sorry

My personal Bible of choice is “The New Annotated Oxford Bible” written in the New Revised Standard Version. For me this Bible speaks in a language I am better able to understand. It’s written in a language that I use, and there are footnotes that help my faith to grow by offering explanations and references.

Our scripture for this meditation introduces us to one of the most difficult times in Biblical human history; the story of the Great Flood. What we read here in these few verses in Genesis 6-8 is the story of God’s un-creation and re-creation of the world. It seems as if God is sorry, so sorry, that humankind would not live as if God’s Spirit lived in them.

Recently I preached a sermon titled, “What does Jesus look like?” The conclusion was, “Jesus looks like you and me, if we have Jesus living inside us.” Do we see Jesus living in our friends and neighbors? Are we able to see Jesus alive in the worldly news of the day? Will you join with me as we say; I’m sorry, so sorry for not living in my Lord. I’m not a prophet but the way the world lives today looks as if it will destroy itself. God, our Father, may very well say once again, “I’m sorry, so sorry” as His created world destroys itself.

In our meditations we have been reading through the Book of Genesis, we began with God’s wonderful creation, including the making of mankind, Adam and Eve. They were given authority of everything that God made. Our meditation this week is titled, “I’m Sorry, So Sorry” because it seems as if Almighty God, the Creator is sorry. The Lord God has seen enough, “the wickedness of humankind was great. What about this day, the people of the world, is it possible that God will be sorry once again? Verse 8 tells us that there is hope, “But Noah found favor in the sight of the Lord.” And we know what Noah did.


Heavenly Father/God, we know that without You there would not even be life. Through Christ, our Savior, may we all live in you, and in our living, renew Your world. Amen.

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