I’m Not Afraid

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

I am pretty much a literal reader of the Bible. I need help to see some of the intricate stories and how they relate and I have to keep a chart if I want to remember chronological order and who is related to whom. That’s why I really like this verse. As a parent it is easy to understand and terrifying. That God could give up his son for me is beyond extraordinary, how could I not accept God into my life?

I tend to live in the present. I don’t often think of my mortal life ending although I have seen a lawyer and have my ‘affairs’ in order so that my death will not be a burden to my children. When I think of what comes next, my thinking gets a bit hazy. What I do know is that I am not afraid of death and it is because of the Good News expressed in John 3:16 and throughout the Bible. It’s like I have this big old comforter wrapped around me and everyone that I have loved is by my side. That’s what comes next.


Dear Lord, keep us wrapped in Your love and care and guide us through the difficult times in life when we might question what comes next. Amen.

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