Friends, this Book of Philippians is really a little epistle. Just four sections in length, this small epistle begins its second section with the powerful recorded Word of God! Did you make note that at the beginning of the second section it says; “If then there is any encouragement in Christ.” What a way to begin this enlightened epistle. At least, it grabs this preacher’s full attention. What does it mean? Through Jesus the Way has been made possible. The greatest blessing of all this is that we don’t have to wait until we die, we can in faith enter now.
Friends, you know as I do, if there is no real encouragement in Christ Jesus our Savior as to how life is and how we are to live it, then there really isn’t much hope in life to be found for anyone. This is why it can be such a joy and uplifting experience for you and me today! Who would think that the secret to living a beautiful, fruitful life could be found in this uplifting small biblical book! The world out there would be surprised as we are surprised, because it is here! If anyone can’t find it here then there really isn’t any encouragement given that they would find it anywhere!
This statement if there is any consolation in Christ’s love, found here in the first sentence, jumps up and grabs me! Why is this? The reason for me is because I believe that living in Jesus Christ is the only place where we can find real love. It is in Christ where we can live in t. It is only in Christ where we can feel genuine compassion and sympathy. It is only in Christ where joy is complete, as we are able to have the same mind and the same spirit and the same love as our Saviour!
How many times have we read this little book of Philippians and have not realized what a wonderful blessing we have been given? To know that our Heavenly Father has made our entrance into heaven through the sacrifice of His Son Jesus possible for all who believe. May The Spirit of God always remain and live with us until we too will be received into God’s Heavenly Kingdom.
Heavenly Father, how far is Your kingdom from our entering this very day? In Your Spirit teach us that through Jesus the Son’s sacrifice the way has already been prepared, and we are all welcomed to enter in. We humbly give thanks in Jesus’ name. Amen.