Icing on the Cake

Dee Palmore received an elaborate nativity set as a Christmas gift from her daughter Carolyn last year. 

Dee’s gift had sixteen figures and they were quite large. For sometime Dee was in a great quandary as to where she would display this nativity set in her small two bedroom condominium at Winter Ridge. She fretted, wrung her hands and laughed about this special gift and despite the unpacking and the setting up of the nativity set, she received much joy as she told and retold its story. Finally, it was decided to arrange the nativity set on an ironing board behind a loveseat. The ironing board was fitted with a board to create a terrace effect for the staging of the ruins instead of a stable as the site of Jesus’ birth. The ironing board was also covered with a cloth.

The nativity set was of porcelain and it was made in Cambodia. The figures were dressed with fabrics such as nylon, polyester, rayon. There were also some jacquard fabrics.

Dee, who had been diagnosed with leukemia and had been undergoing treatments for the disease, thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas holidays. She described Christmas 2014 as an “extraordinary Christmas.” She said, “The gift was like icing on the cake.” Her condominium accommodated nine people in and out over five days and the nativity set remained intact.

Dee joined the Church Triumphant on August 13, 2015, at the age of 82.

Scripture: Psalm 90:10, 12

Thought for the Day: None of us knows how many days, months and years of life we will be given and whether this is the last Christmas we will celebrate on earth. The Psalmist implores on our behalf: “Teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart.” How do you plan to make the most of this Christmas?

Prayer: Blessed Lord, we thank You for the gift of life and for the gift of new life through Your son Jesus. Help us to make each day count by putting You first, others second and ourselves last in our daily priorities. Bless those who grieve for loved ones this Christmas and fill us all with joy as we once again look forward to celebrating Jesus’ birth. Amen.


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