I Saw The Light a Life!

What is it that makes this experience here in chapter 22 so important? We had read in chapter nine of Saul’s persecution against the disciples of the Lord and how he was converted. “Now as he was approaching Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him, and he fell to the ground…  he heard a voice, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Acts 9:4 What Paul learned was that as he persecuted the disciples, he persecuted Jesus the lord!

What we read in chapter nine was about Saul’s  Jewish name changed to Paul, his Roman name, as he was converted from persecutor to God’s preacher. The story tells us about Saul’s conversation from prosecutor to perhaps the greatest evangelist of Christ Jesus the Lord! What do you think is going through Luke’s mind as we read once again about Paul’s experience which happened while on his way to Damascus?

The story which touches us so much is about the miraculous light from heaven which shone all around him. This happening, found in chapter nine, is now sort of repeated here in chapter 22. We have learned that this event was the conversion of Paul from persecutor to procurer of The Light. The eternal Light came into the world to save the world. The Light of Christ came in order that everyone may have the blessing of living safely in an often dark, sick world. The world we live in will now never be totally dark because Jesus the Light of the world came into it for the very purpose of showing the Way.

You cannot know how this message of conversion from persecutor to preacher touches my heart and lifts my spirit. The book of Acts is about your life and mine, for it tells us how intense and intended God’s love is for the world we live in. May we always be truly blest as we see the Light of life and love shining upon us so that we too may live in faithful love and service.


Father God, your presence in the world is seen by the Light which brings Your peace and love to everyone forever. Amen.

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