As we have been reading through the Book of Acts, chapter by chapter, a question arises; have you ever wondered if we are all as self centered as some of the stories we have read? I am sure it is as hard for you to understand as it is for me. How can we understand just how the good people named and written about in this chapter could also be as treacherous and demanding as they are! As we read the happenings shared here in Acts, are we to believe that there would be such dishonest charges laid on Paul? As Felix heard Paul preach faith in Christ Jesus, he became frightened and decided to keep Paul in prison.
I have serious problems with these last few chapters in the book of Acts. The way the story is presented and preserved on the pages of The Book of Acts, it truly seems to me that God the Father of all creation has just let the wrong of humankind keep on going wrong. It seems to me that God permits human beings to go as far as they would like to go, and that the wrong done will be what will be! But, of course that is not entirely true. God has gifted us with the ability to choose right from wrong. This was true in Paul’s day and it is true in our day also. But even if the story of Paul as recorded in Acts seems to be so difficult to accept, in the end right rules out. It is the same for you and me this day. We know the right of the goodness of God our Father, so live it. Friends, make it the rule you live by and you will discover that the goodness of life will be yours forever. Living in close obedience to God’s Truth and Life, will help make our lives to be joyful and right in all that we believe and do.
Father God, through Your Son Jesus, teach us the way You would desire us to live. Bless us even more, the more we truly live in You. We lift up our prayer through Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen.