A hymn that began as a collaboration challenge from the composer who hummed a tune to the author for a song that would challenge young people’s hearts and minds, this stewardship hymn was first composed in 1918. The author, William H. Foulkes, himself a Presbyterian pastor, composed the first three verses that day. In those verses, young and old alike, pray the Lord to take their minds, hearts, and wills. While the final verse was completed later during a youth conference, each reinforcing how one is to allow Christ Jesus to both guide and direct. The second verse is particularly striking to me, as it says:
Take thou our hearts, O Christ; they are thine own; come thou within our souls and claim thy throne; help us to shed abroad thy deathless love; use us to make the earth like heaven above.
Merciful and gentle God, in songs of dedication and stewardship, we are reminded to reorient and commit all that we are and all we are given in service to your kingdom. May we in joining our hearts, minds and voices to this hymn truly allow it to so, Amen.