When we think about offering our gifts to God, our minds might drift to tangible things that we can form, craft, create, or harvest with our hands. This hymn, which is listed in the DEDICATION AND STEWARDSHIP section of the Glory to God Presbyterian Hymnal, revels in the devotion we offer in lifting our songs and voices to God in praise and worship. The fourth verse summarizes this work

Lord, we bring our gift of music, touch our lips and fire our hearts,
Teach our minds and train our senses; fit us for these sacred arts.
Then with skill and consecration, we would serve you, Lord, and give
All our powers to glorify you, and in serving fully live.
Let us employ our musical gifts as we worship God each day.


Let me make a joyful noise to you, my God and my Savior. Inspire my voice, and channel the skill you have given me, to fill the world with your praise. Amen.

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