This hymn was written in honor of a colleague within a church who was leaving as way to affirm God’s calling to people to serve in many ministries and vocations. From verse one, as ones are called to feed the hungry, tend to those in need and work for justice, there is also acknowledgment of those call to teach, sharing God’s love in their lives as well as planting the gospel seed. All fitting references to those saints of Christ, as verse one reminds us.

Give thanks, O Christian people, for workers of our day who heed the call to service and make it their life’s way.


We are grateful this day and every day for those gifts you have bestowed upon your people, Gracious Lord. From those named within these hymns as your people. We are grateful for your church who calls them together and we are grateful for that call for us to share our gifts as well. In Christ’s precious name, we pray, Amen.

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