In the Glory to God Presbyterian Hymnal we are told that the 5 stanza hymn (#325) “is from a much larger hymn.”.  Here as we move toward All Saints’ Day, let’s ponder this much larger work.

By all your saints still striving
For all your saints at rest
Your holy name, O Jesus
Forevermore be blessed!
For you arose victorious
That they might wear the crown
And share the light of glory
Reflected from your throne 

Apostles, prophets, martyrs
And all the noble throng
Who wear the spotless raiment
And raise the ceaseless song
For these passed on before us
We sing our praise anew
And, walking in their footsteps
Would live our lives for you

All praise, O Lord, for Andrew
The first to welcome you
Whose witness to his brother
Named you Messiah true
May we, with hearts kept open
To you throughout the year
Proclaim to friend and neighbor
Your advent ever near 

All praise for Stephen, martyr
Who saw you ready stand
To help in time of torment
To plead at God′s right hand
O Jesus, born to save us
Grant us discerning sight
That true till death we serve you
And witness to your light 

For John, belov’d disciple
Exiled on Patmos′ shore
And for John’s holy gospel
We praise you evermore
Praise for the mystic vision
These words to us unfold
Instill in us the longing
Your glory to behold 

 All praise for infant martyrs
Whom you with tend’rest love
Received from Herod′s bloodshed
To share your home above
O Rachel, cease your weeping
They rest from earthbound cares
Lord, grant us hearts as guileless
And crowns as bright as theirs 

We praise you, Lord, for Peter
So eager and so bold
Thrice falling, yet repentant
Thrice charged to feed your fold
Lord, make your pastors faithful
To guard your flock from harm
And hold them when they waver
With your almighty arm

Praise for the light from heaven
Praise for the voice of awe
Praise for the glorious vision
The persecutor saw
O Lord, for Paul′s enlight’ning
We bless your name today
Come, shine within our darkness
And guide us on our way 

We sing our praise for Joseph
Your guardian, dearest Lord
Who, list′ning to the angel
Once saved you from the sword
In temple, home, and workshop
He led you, honed your skill
So teach us, Christ our brother
To do our Father’s will 

For Mark, O Lord, we praise you
Whose fainting heart, made strong
Poured forth the faithful gospel
To animate our song
May we, in all our weakness
Receive your pow′r divine
And all, as fruitful branches
Grow strong in you, the vine 

We praise your name for Philip
Blest guide to Greek and Jew
And for young James, the faithful
Who heard and followed you
Oh, grant us grace to know you
The way, the truth, the life
And wrestle with temptation
Till victors in the strife
Lord, your abiding presence
Directs the wondrous choice 

The lot falls to Mathias
The faithful now rejoice
May we as true apostles
Your holy church defend
And by your parting promise
Be with us to the end 

For Barnabas we praise you
Appointed by your call
Who, filled with faith and Spirit
Proclaimed your word with Paul
Give us your grace, Oh Savior
That we become the same
Companions in your mission
Who bear the Christian name
We praise you for the Baptist
Forerunner of the Word 

Our true Elijah, making
A highway for the Lord
The last and greatest prophet
He saw the dawning ray
Of light that grows in splendor
Until the perfect day 

All praise to you for Thomas
Whose short-lived doubtings prove
Your perfect two-fold nature
And all your depth of love
May all who live with questions
Have faith in you restored
Grant us the grace to know you
To say, “My God and Lord.” 

For Magdalene we praise you
Steadfast at cross and tomb
Your “Mary!” in the garden
Dispelled her tears and gloom
Apostle to the apostles
She ran to spread the word
Send us to shout the good news
That we have seen the Lord 

For James, O Lord, we praise you
Who fell to Herod’s sword
Who drank your cup of suff′ring
And thus fulfilled your word
Lord, curb our vain impatience
For glory and for gain
And nerve us for such suff’rings
As glorify your name 

Oh, magnify with Mary
The God whom we adore
Rejoice in Christ our Savior
True God whom Mary bore
And praise the holy Power
In her made manifest
With all the generations
Acclaim this woman blest 

All praise for him whose candor
Through all his doubt you saw
When Philip at the fig tree
Disclosed you in the law
Discern, beneath our surface
O Lord, what we can be
That by your truth made guileless
Your glory we may see 

For Matthew, Lord, whose gospel
Your human life declared
Who, worldly gain forsaking
Your path of suff’ring shared
From wealth that dulls and chains us
Oh, raise our eyes anew
That we, whate′er our calling
May rise and follow you 

For Luke, belov′d physician
All praise, whose gospel shows
The healer of the nations
The one who shares our woes
Your wine and oil, O Savior
Upon our spirits pour
And with true balm of Gilead
Anoint us evermore 

All praise for Jude and Simon
Who sealed their faith today
One love, one hope impelled them
To tread the sacred way
May we with zeal as earnest
The faith of Christ maintain
And foll’wing these our brothers
At length your rest attain
Give praise to God Almighty
And worship God the Son
And sing to God the Spirit
Eternal Three in One
Till all the ransomed number
Fall down before the throne
And honor, pow′r, and glory
Ascribe to God alone


Thank you God for the saints who believed before us. Amen.

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