1 Corinthians 12:28 (NRSV)

28 And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then deeds of power, then gifts of healing, forms of assistance, forms of leadership, various kinds of tongues.

Jeremy Rath reports that “from June 12-19, 2023 sixteen members of our church family went on a mission trip to Honduras. Our main focus was taking one-day medical brigades to three different remote villages; two in the mountains, and one by the seashore.

First Pres members Lia Gray, Skylar Dial, Theresa Kalb, and Dave Kalb used their medical skills to work alongside Dr. Moreno, a Honduran physician, to offer medical care to over 100 patients daily. Those of us who weren’t trained to help with medical were charged with keeping the hundreds of village children busy each day with coloring sheets, games, crafts, and a bounce house (which got lost in translation is the “bumpy room”- ha!). We also distributed the hundreds of dresses, shirts, and stuffed animals which many of you had a hand in gifting.”

Through mission work in Honduras, God touches many lives (ours and theirs.)


O Great Physician, we praise you for all the ways you have gifted us. We thank you for those with medical skills, and the healing delivered through them. We thank you for those with other skills, and the support they provide. And we thank you for those who pray for and donate to these wonderful missions, so that people are truly blessed, through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His followers. Amen.

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