He said to them, It is not for you to become acquainted with and know what time brings [the things and events of time and their definite periods] or fixed years and seasons (their critical niche in time), which the Father has appointed (fixed and reserved) by His own choice and authority and personal power. But you shall receive power (ability, efficiency, and might) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be My witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the ends (the very bounds) of the earth. Acts 1:7-8 AMP
Like many of you, I want to know when something’s going to happen and what is coming around the next turn. I’ve never been one to just “wait patiently” or sit on the sidelines for the next play to occur. Oftentimes I forge ahead, insisting that my way is right and I of course know what’s best, especially when it comes to my life and those closest to me.
But then I read Acts 1:7 and I can’t help but think Jesus is speaking to me. Wait Amy, it’s not up to you, it’s not all about you, and certainly you are not in control.
I must insert an Amen here because trust me, none of you want me in control and honestly more often than not, I’m glad God always has better plans for me than I can possibly see.
I’m also very thankful that He’s given us a helper – the Holy Spirit which if we are faithful in the Word and prayer, typically our hearts will be guided to make the right decision. Maybe we get that gut feeling that says just wait or that gut feeling that says call that person, or to slow down at that green light. God is always there and always directing our steps. We just have to remind ourselves to yield to Him.
Gracious Lord, please guide our steps and help us to feel Your Holy Presence around us always. Help us to know our ways are not better than Yours. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.