He is Always There

39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:39 NIV

What’s the good news that we can celebrate every single day? God is always with us. Nothing we can say, or do shall separate us from Him. No matter where we go or what happens to us, He is there. Our God is more than able to be with us in the darkest of times and in those moments filled with complete joy and gladness. As Christians that is our anchor because we are going to face trials and tribulations. We all watch the news or read the paper, evil is present in this world. We can’t always stop it, but we have to have that encouragement that God is always there.

Once again though, we are going to encounter those who do not know about this Good News or believe in this Good News. It’s up to us to show them through our actions, faith, love, and hope that He is always there, through it all. Thank you Jesus!


God of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, thank You for always being there with us through it all. What great comfort and hope we feel that You are constantly present with us. Thank You loving Father. Amen.

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